
Congrats Mr.Darcy!

Am I the only one who was super excited to see Social Network loose the Best Picture Award at last night's Oscars? I had big plans to do an Oscars fashion post - but got into the wine a little early and really didn't pay to much attention to the clothes lol - next year I guess!


Blythe Sweater

Knit up a little sweater for my fakey Blythe out of some sock yarn I had lying around (I don't even make socks....I think I'm a hoarder...)

You can get the pattern from Ravelry or here!!


first complete knitting project!

I tried to start knitting last year - but never had the time to really work on it so I decided this year was the year. I finally finished my first scarf - and surprise to me, it's actually wearable! 

It is a simple one stitch "pattern", and now I am ready to learn new techniques. The lovely ladies at Stitch N Bitch (a group of knitters, crocheters, crafters who meet weekly at Starbucks) are helping me with projects and I am now half way through my first dishcloth - which is teaching me increasing and decreasing. It's looking a little wonky but, hey it's a dishcloth, my dishes won't care!


Coming Soon!

We are busy crafting for our soon to launch Etsy shop - here's a little peek a what we are up to!

Unfinished Business

I chronically do not finish projects....for every one I finish there are 3 more in a box somewhere that I can't bring myself to complete. 

So before I started a dozen new ones I resolved to finish my long waiting granny square afghan. When I say long waiting, I  mean years!  This was the first thing I ever learned to crochet, and some of these granny squares are not so nice :)  I am by no means a perfectionist, so I just fudged it.  Sewed up my mistakes and told myself, this is what will make this special  <3

Besides, Obi loves it!


Ship Collages

All I'm cranking out right now is nautical stuff! I swear I do make other things, but until I get this babies room done that's probably all you'll see out of me :P

. I tried to thrift a painting but found it really difficult to find what I wanted.  Instead I bought dollar store supplies and ended up making it myself!  Inspired by these ships!

Supplies used were card stock, scrap fabric, paint, and scrap yarn...
I`m pretty happy with how they turned out.


Button Fish

Put together a little collage for the babies room. 

Embroidered fish with button heads...kinda regretting putting the little smiles on there...should of stuck with just the eyes, but oh well!  They're still pretty cute :)


Late Night Chocolate Cake

Scott convinced me that this was a good idea and I have to agree!!!  

It must be these pregnancy hormones that convinced be to give in to last nights 8:30pm request for chocolate cake.  On the plus side, it's family day today and we're going to visit my parents.  Said cake will come along, so Scooter doesn't get to eat all of it :P


Easy Chair Recover

This is an heirloom piece from Scotts's Granny. I love the chair but the upholstery didn't really match our house. Turns out it was really easy to change!  

> Before



Tents and Blanket Forts

This was one of my favourite things to do growing up!!!  
They're getting a lot of internet love lately and I thought I'd join in :)

Off to the Baby Shower

We're off  to Cassie's baby shower today, and I still need to finish up the decorations (nothing like leaving it to the last minute!) oh and pick up some prizes... I did make the games last night, so I'm kinda organized... :{  

Hope everyone is having a great start to their weekend!



thanks everyone!

Happy Friday! Sparrows and Arrows has been online for a whole week now! yay! Thanks to all our new followers and returning ones!

We have a few kinks to iron out mainly trying to get our linkwithin to work properly - apparently we have to wait till we have more posts and it should fix it's self, finger crossed! We also are hoping to get our Etsy shop up and running soon (we brainstormed over Chinese food last night), so stay tuned for that!

On to some fun stuff...I found this cute DIY from {studs and pearls}and since the chevrons matched our site I thought it was fitting to share!

Have a great weekend and thanks again for following!

chevron purse > {studs & pearls}


Project Re-Style Faves

Although we are not taking part - I do like seeing all the creations people are coming up with for Red Velvet's Project Re-Style. Here are some of my favourites :)

window shutter headboard > KikiCreates

telephone table > tallmisto

doily shirt > make it dear

chair refashion > Gingibersnap

mirror refashion > Cookie Louise Pleaze

kids shelf > unfamiliarceiling.com

Have you been following or taking part in Project Re-Style?

Mini Paper Bunting

Found this mini bunting tute via Ohdeedoh the other day. 
 Instead of printing off the pattern I cut triangles from some card stock I had laying around and glued it to some more of that left over wedding twine (I have TONS!) 

Got Scooter to help me hang it, as I shouldn't be horsing around on ladders right now  :)  It looks sooo cute and it really tying this nursery together!!!


New Love

Is Anyone else watching Portlandia? It's  Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein'
sketch comedy show about Portland Sterotypes - it's pretty hilarious!

Craft Purge

We make deals at our house to get things done.  
Our Valentine's Day deal was that I would re-organize and purge some of my craft stuff and Scott would take me shopping and buy me dessert <3

So this is what happened to the living room by Monday morning.  

All of this had been stored in the babies closet making it pretty much nonfunctional .

I purged a big bag of yarn and dropped it off to Stitch and Bitch. 
 I also realized that I have 40 to 50 zippers.   I think I need to find some zipper crafts..... :P



I saw this Merfish pattern on Ravelry when I was looking up things to make for the baby's room.  They turned out super cute and with some twine left over from my wedding and a dowel that was laying around, I put together this little wall hanging.  

So perfect for the nuggets room!!!


Pretty Lilies

Pretty flowers delivered to the office today - a nice gesture that only slightly embarrassed me (center of attention..no thank you!) :{

We celebrated on Sunday so they were totally unexpected, I guess Clifford's present (a flip) earned me some extra brownie points!

Hope your having a good Valentine's Day!

From My Book Shelf > People of the Book

I  like to read. My taste vary, but I am definitely not a literary connoisseur  - (My book shelves have Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse on them... so yeah, I'm not exactly a book snob lol). However I read a lot and like to know what others are reading and always love to hear and share book suggestions!

Title: People of the Book
Author: Geraldine Brooks (a Pulitzer Prize winner!)

I was lent this book from a friend and was not really sure about it and it sat on my shelf for a few months waiting for me. So I finally decided to pick it up and was pleasantly surprised. I won't relay the whole synopsis when you can read better written ones on line here

It's not a long book, but does have a few lulls in the plot that I had to plow through, but overall it's well written, and well developed -especially as some characters only have a chapter to leave an impact. As a book highly built on religions - it's not preachy, or judgmental. The book is sad but hopeful and vividly described - she makes it easy to picture life over the years in Sarajevo - somewhere I know little about.

My only negative point would be that the main story line (the present day one) didn't have the same tone as the historical plot lines. It felt almost like it could have been from a different book (a Dan Brown book), but overall I would feel completely safe recommending it to people!

next on my reading list: The Radley's


Vintage Valentines

Need a last minute Valentine's Day card?? 
Why not print out one of these cute vintage ones from Bella Dia!