
More Yard Sale Success

I think I am getting the hang of yard saling  - or just having a lot of luck this year...maybe both? I spent under $10 today, got a vintage fisher price record payer (I am saving this for Lily's 2nd birthday in 2 weeks), a 1960's chrome toaster, which was on my list of things I needed, since mine doesn't match my kitchen and is ugly ... that's a need right? Along with a red plaid  table cloth, napkins, toy stroller and some Dora sand toys for Lily.. not bad for $10!

I have also asked my friend to send me some pictures of her Fisher Price finds today - she got some amazing deals (one thing she bought retails on Etsy for $400!)

Hope your having a great weekend! I am off to do a few things before Kate's party tonight :)

a whopping $2 find
another $2
 > Jessi


  1. Great finds! I had one of those record players when I was a kid, I loved it to death.

  2. aww that little record player is great :) does it work?

  3. I LOVE the record player:) great find!

  4. Great finds! I think I used to have one of those record players... I wish I still did!

  5. I love a good yard sale, love the record player, it brings back happy memories.

    Have a great weekend!


  6. i had that lil' record thing when i was a kid!!!! haha.

  7. That record player is adorable. Does it work? Great finds, Jessi!


  8. Wow! That's incredible. Both items are in great condition. I love lucky deals :)

  9. i cannot tell you how jealous I am of that record player. And $2 - wow! I have been looking for that Fisher Price record player for so long because I had it when I was a kid but I cannot find it one here. I need to keep looking! Very jealous of your finds anyway :)
