
Christmas times a comin'

Anyone else think December is going by way to fast? I am not as far ahead as I would like to be! I have been busy knittign up a storm - and would love to share it, but the recipient actually reads my blog sometimes so I'll have to wait until after Christmas!

How are your to-do lists going? Are you having to narrow down overly ambitious lists, to more realistic and manageable ones?

> source

> Jessi


  1. Agreed! I haven't even had time to buy one Christmas present yet!! Ahh!

  2. Agreed too! I am a little behind with some things! The weather hasn't been great here..hope you can get everything done!! xx

  3. i haven't narrowed down my insane list. high hopes!

  4. I do have been knitting up a storm as I am determined to finish the blanket I've told myself I will finish by Christmas. Am about half way through and not that hopeful I'll make it. And yes, December is moving waaaay too fast this year.

  5. I have so much I want to do and if I'm being realistic...I will only get to half of it.

  6. Gosh, don't even ask! I am behind on my crafting, behind on my posting parcels and behind on reading everybody's blogs. Maybe not wise, but I will now pin this bauble as another project I might like to do...

  7. That is super adorable! My coworker would love it.


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